Why Investing in a New Roof Can Save You Money in the Long Run

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

A sturdy and reliable roof is more than just a protective covering for your home; it is a wise investment that can have a significant impact on your long-term finances. While the upfront cost of a new roof may appear substantial, it is crucial to recognize the multitude of ways it can save you money in the years to come. By investing in a new roof, you not only enhance the aesthetics and structural integrity of your property, but you also set yourself up for considerable financial savings. In this article, we will explore the compelling reasons why investing in a new roof is a financially sound decision.

Increased Energy Efficiency

Investing in a new roof offers a remarkable opportunity to enhance the energy efficiency of your home. Older roofs often lack proper insulation, allowing heated or cooled air to escape and increasing your energy consumption. However, with a new roof, you can incorporate modern insulation materials that significantly reduce heat transfer. This improved insulation prevents air leakage, keeping your home cool during summer and warm in winter. As a result, your HVAC system operates more efficiently, reducing the strain on it and lowering your energy bills. Over time, the savings accrued from reduced energy consumption can amount to a substantial sum, making your investment in a new roof a financially wise choice.

Reduced Maintenance and Repair Costs

Investing in a new roof can lead to significant long-term savings by reducing maintenance and repair costs. Older roofs are prone to frequent leaks, rot, and other structural issues, which require ongoing repairs and maintenance. The expense of hiring professionals and purchasing materials for these repairs can quickly add up. By opting for a new roof, you eliminate the need for constant repairs and maintenance. Modern roofs are built with advanced materials and technologies designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and resist damage. With a new roof, you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that you won’t face costly repairs and recurring maintenance tasks. Consequently, the savings obtained from reduced maintenance expenses over the lifespan of your new roof make it a financially prudent investment.

Insurance Premium Savings

Investing in a new roof can lead to substantial savings on your homeowner’s insurance premiums. Insurance providers often offer discounts to homeowners with newer roofs because they are less prone to damage from natural disasters or other perils. By upgrading your roof, you demonstrate to insurance companies that you are taking proactive measures to safeguard your property, which can result in lower premiums. Additionally, new roofs are typically constructed with fire-resistant materials, further reducing the risk of damage from fire-related incidents. These safety features make your home a lower insurance liability, translating into potential savings on your premiums. Over time, the reduced insurance costs can offset a significant portion of your initial investment in a new roof, making it a financially advantageous decision.

Increased Property Value

Investing in a new roof not only enhances the functionality and aesthetics of your home but also increases its overall value. When it comes time to sell your property, a well-maintained roof becomes a significant selling point for potential buyers. They view it as an assurance that they won’t need to bear the burden of roof replacement in the near future, saving them both money and inconvenience. The increased property value resulting from a new roof can lead to a higher selling price and a quicker sale. Potential buyers are willing to pay a premium for a home that has a durable, aesthetically pleasing, and low-maintenance roof. As a homeowner, this means you can recoup a significant portion of your investment in a new roof when you sell your property, making it a financially rewarding decision in the long run.

Environmental Benefits

Investing in a new roof not only provides financial benefits but also contributes to a healthier environment. Modern roofing materials are designed with sustainability in mind, utilizing eco-friendly materials and incorporating energy-efficient features. By installing a new roof, you are actively reducing your carbon footprint and decreasing your home’s energy consumption. Improved insulation and reflective coatings in new roofs minimize heat absorption, keeping your home cooler and reducing the need for excessive air conditioning. This decreased energy usage helps to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, some regions offer tax incentives or rebates for energy-efficient home improvements, including new roofs. Taking advantage of these programs can provide you with additional financial benefits while promoting a greener and more sustainable lifestyle. By investing in a new roof, you contribute to environmental conservation and align yourself with the growing global focus on sustainability.

Final Thoughts

As you consider investing in a new roof to save money in the long run, it’s crucial to explore funding options that can make this endeavor even more accessible. HomeownerFunding.org is an excellent resource that connects homeowners like you with financial assistance programs specifically designed to support home improvement projects, including roof replacements. By utilizing the resources and expertise offered by HomeownerFunding.org, you can navigate the funding landscape more effectively, finding programs and grants that align with your needs and financial situation.

Whether you are seeking low-interest loans, grants, or other funding options, HomeownerFunding.org can guide you through the process, helping you access the financial support necessary to invest in a new roof. Their comprehensive database and team of experts ensure that you have access to the most up-to-date information and tailored solutions.

By leveraging the resources provided by HomeownerFunding.org, you can turn your desire for a new roof into a reality while maximizing your savings and long-term financial benefits. Visit HomeownerFunding.org today and take the first step towards securing the funding you need to invest in a new roof that will enhance your home, save you money, and provide peace of mind for years to come.

The Real Cost of Roof Repair vs. Replacement

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

Your roof is one of the most vital components of your home’s structure. It protects you and your belongings from the elements and plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and value of your property. However, over time, roofs can deteriorate due to age, weather conditions, or other factors, requiring repairs or even replacement. When faced with roof issues, homeowners often wonder whether it’s more cost-effective to repair the existing roof or invest in a full replacement. In this article, we will delve into the real cost of roof repair versus replacement, helping you make an informed decision about the best course of action for your home.

Roof Repair: Addressing the Problem Areas

Roof repair involves fixing specific issues while leaving the majority of the roof intact. It is typically suitable for localized problems such as leaks, damaged shingles, or small sections of damage. The cost of repairs can vary depending on the extent of the damage, the type of roofing material, and the labor involved. On average, homeowners can expect to spend between $300 and $1,000 for minor repairs. However, keep in mind that this is just a rough estimate, and costs can increase if the damage is more extensive or if there are underlying structural issues.

Repairing a roof can provide a temporary solution to immediate problems, extending the life of the roof by a few years. It is essential, however, to consider the age and overall condition of the roof. If your roof is approaching the end of its lifespan or has significant underlying issues, simply repairing the problem areas may not be a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Roof Replacement: A Long-Term Investment

When repairs are no longer sufficient or cost-effective, a roof replacement becomes necessary. Roof replacement involves tearing off the existing roof and installing an entirely new one. While it is a more significant investment upfront, it offers several long-term benefits.

The average cost of a roof replacement depends on various factors, including the size of the roof, the choice of materials, and the complexity of the installation. For a typical asphalt shingle roof, homeowners can expect to pay between $5,000 and $17,000. However, higher-end materials such as metal or slate can significantly increase the cost. It’s crucial to obtain multiple quotes from reputable roofing contractors to get a clear understanding of the costs involved for your specific situation.

Although a roof replacement requires a larger initial investment, it provides a fresh start and ensures the structural integrity of your home. A new roof offers improved energy efficiency, enhanced curb appeal, and increased resale value. Moreover, with a warranty that usually lasts 20 to 50 years, homeowners can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that their investment is protected.

Considering the Life Cycle Costs

When comparing the cost of roof repair and replacement, it is essential to consider the life cycle costs. While roof repairs may seem more affordable in the short term, they can add up over time. Multiple repair jobs can become a recurring expense, especially if the underlying issues persist or worsen. Additionally, frequent repairs may only delay the inevitable need for a replacement, ultimately costing you more in the long run.

On the other hand, a roof replacement, although initially more expensive, offers a long-term solution, minimizing the need for ongoing repairs. By investing in a new roof, you eliminate the risk of further damage and ensure the durability and longevity of your home’s most crucial protection.

Other Factors to Consider

When deciding between roof repair and replacement, cost is not the only factor to consider. Here are a few additional aspects to keep in mind:

Age of the Roof: If your roof is approaching the end of its expected lifespan, a replacement may be more cost-effective in the long run.

Damage Extent: Consider the extent of the damage. If the damage is extensive, covering a large portion of the roof or affecting the structural integrity, a replacement might be the best option. Repairing severe damage may only provide a temporary fix and could lead to further complications down the line.

Future Plans: Think about your future plans for the property. If you intend to sell your home in the near future, a new roof can significantly enhance its curb appeal and market value. Potential buyers are often willing to pay a premium for a well-maintained, worry-free roof.

Building Codes and Regulations: It’s important to ensure that your roof meets current building codes and regulations. If your existing roof does not comply with the requirements, a replacement may be necessary to bring it up to standard.

Energy Efficiency: Consider the energy efficiency of your current roof. Older roofs may not provide adequate insulation, resulting in higher energy bills. A replacement with modern, energy-efficient materials can help reduce your heating and cooling costs over time.

Consulting with Professionals

To determine whether roof repair or replacement is the most cost-effective option for your specific situation, it is advisable to consult with a professional roofing contractor. They have the expertise to assess the condition of your roof accurately and provide informed recommendations.

When choosing a roofing contractor, ensure they are licensed, insured, and have a good reputation in the industry. Obtain multiple quotes and compare them carefully, taking into account not only the cost but also the quality of materials, workmanship warranties, and any additional services offered.

In conclusion, the decision between roof repair and replacement involves careful consideration of various factors. While roof repairs may seem more affordable initially, they may not be the most cost-effective solution in the long run, especially if your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan or has extensive damage. A roof replacement, although requiring a larger investment upfront, offers long-term benefits, including improved durability, energy efficiency, and increased property value.

Remember, your roof is an essential investment in the protection and value of your home. By weighing the real costs and consulting with professionals, you can make an informed decision that ensures the long-term integrity and security of your property.

Window Replacement: Signs It’s Time and What to Consider

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

Windows play a crucial role in our homes, providing natural light, ventilation, and a connection to the outside world. Over time, however, windows can deteriorate, become less energy-efficient, and lose their aesthetic appeal. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for window replacement is essential for maintaining the comfort, efficiency, and beauty of your home. In this article, we will explore the key indicators that signal the need for window replacement and discuss important considerations to keep in mind during the replacement process.

Age and Wear: One of the primary indicators that it’s time for window replacement is the age of your current windows. If your windows are more than 15 to 20 years old, it’s likely that they have experienced wear and tear, making them less efficient. Aging windows may have loose or damaged frames, foggy or cracked glass, and may not open or close properly. Investing in new, modern windows can significantly improve your home’s energy efficiency and overall functionality.

Drafts and Energy Efficiency: Are you experiencing drafts or noticeable temperature differences near your windows? If so, it’s a strong sign that your windows are not providing adequate insulation. Older windows often lack the advanced technologies found in modern energy-efficient windows, such as multiple panes, low-emissivity coatings, and insulating gas fills. Upgrading to energy-efficient windows can help reduce your heating and cooling costs by preventing heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer.

Increased Noise: Have you noticed that outside noise seems louder than before? If your windows are no longer providing sufficient sound insulation, it might be time to consider replacement. Modern windows with double or triple panes, laminated glass, and sound-dampening features can significantly reduce the amount of noise that enters your home, creating a more peaceful and comfortable living environment.

Difficult Operation: Are your windows difficult to open, close, or lock? Windows should operate smoothly and securely. If you’re struggling with stiff or jammed windows, it may be due to warping, rotting, or damaged frames. Faulty window mechanisms can also pose safety concerns, especially in emergency situations. By replacing your windows, you can ensure easy operation and enhance the security of your home.

Aesthetics and Curb Appeal: The appearance of your windows contributes significantly to the overall look and curb appeal of your home. Faded frames, chipped paint, or outdated designs can make your home look tired and neglected. Upgrading to new windows allows you to choose from a wide range of styles, colors, and materials that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of both the interior and exterior of your home.

Considerations for Window Replacement:

Material Selection: There are various window materials to choose from, including vinyl, wood, aluminum, and fiberglass. Each material has its own advantages and considerations, such as durability, maintenance requirements, energy efficiency, and cost. Research and consult with professionals to determine the best material for your specific needs and budget.

Window Style and Functionality: Consider the style of your home and your personal preferences when selecting window styles. Options include single-hung, double-hung, casement, awning, sliding, and bay windows, among others. Each style offers different benefits in terms of ventilation, ease of cleaning, and aesthetic appeal. Think about the functionality you desire and how it aligns with your daily life.

Energy Efficiency: Look for windows with high energy-efficiency ratings, such as those certified by ENERGY STAR®. Features like low-emissivity coatings, argon or krypton gas fills, and insulated frames can significantly reduce energy loss and enhance comfort in your home. Choosing energy-efficient windows not only benefits the environment but also helps reduce your energy bills over the long term.

Installation and Professional Assistance: Window replacement is a complex task that requires precise measurements, proper installation techniques, and the right tools. Hiring a professional window installation company ensures that the job is done correctly, minimizing the risk of leaks, drafts, and other installation-related issues. Professionals can also provide guidance on window selection, offer warranties, and ensure compliance with local building codes.

Budget and Return on Investment: Window replacement is an investment in your home’s comfort, energy efficiency, and value. Consider your budget and explore different options within your price range. While high-quality windows may have a higher upfront cost, they often provide better long-term value through energy savings and increased property resale value. It’s important to strike a balance between your budget and the quality and features of the windows you choose.

Maintenance Requirements: Different window materials have varying maintenance needs. For example, wood windows require periodic painting or staining, while vinyl windows are low-maintenance and easy to clean. Consider your willingness and ability to perform regular maintenance tasks when selecting window materials. Opting for low-maintenance options can save you time and effort in the future.

Warranty and After-Sales Support: Look for windows that come with reliable warranties from reputable manufacturers. A comprehensive warranty can provide peace of mind knowing that you’re protected against defects or other issues that may arise after the installation. Additionally, inquire about after-sales support and the availability of replacement parts in case any future repairs are needed.

In conclusion, recognizing the signs that it’s time for window replacement and considering important factors during the replacement process are crucial for maintaining the comfort, energy efficiency, and aesthetics of your home. Age, wear, drafts, increased noise, and difficult operation are all signs that indicate the need for new windows. When replacing your windows, carefully consider material selection, window style and functionality, energy efficiency, professional installation, budget, maintenance requirements, warranties, and after-sales support. By making informed decisions and investing in high-quality windows, you can transform your home with improved energy efficiency, enhanced curb appeal, and increased comfort for years to come.

How to Increase Your Credit Score

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

One of the biggest obstacles to getting important home improvements is the cost. That’s why Homeowner Funding is here to help you find affordable and easy-to-understand home improvement loans that meet your needs.

That said, one of the biggest obstacles to getting a good home improvement loan is your credit score. Though we’re often able to connect even low-credit homeowners with trustworthy lenders, you may be concerned that your credit score isn’t currently up to snuff.

A homeowner checking their credit score online

Believe it or not, getting a loan to pay for replacement windows or vinyl siding installation can actually help repair your credit. In addition to helping you get the repairs you need, repaying a home improvement loan consistently is a great way to boost your credit score!

How to Fix Your Credit Score: 4 Easy Tips & Tricks

Getting a loan through Homeowner Funding isn’t the only way of improving your credit. If you’re concerned about the state of your credit, don’t fret. Homeowner Funding is here to help.

Want to know how to increase your credit score quickly and easily? Here are some helpful tips and tricks…

  1. Check Your Credit Report for Errors

Not everything that impacts your credit score is your doing. According to research by Consumer Reports, about a third of all people who check their credit reports find incorrect information. 

Common errors include outdated personal data, incomplete account histories, duplicate accounts, false delinquencies, and fraudulent activity. When thinking about how to increase your credit score, always check your credit report first.

  1. Prioritize Late and Past-Due Accounts

If you’re worried about maintaining your credit accounts with limited resources, it’s important to know what to prioritize. Paying off late and past-due accounts should always come first. The fewer of these you have on your credit report, the better your credit score will be.

It’s worth noting that an account isn’t officially considered “late” until 30 days past the due date. Focus on settling accounts that have passed this threshold, or are close to passing it, first.

  1. Maintain a Low Credit Utilization Ratio

A person’s credit utilization ratio refers to the percentage of their available credit they have used and how much they currently owe. If a person owes a total of $2,000 across multiple accounts that, together, allow for up to $10,000 worth of credit, then that person’s credit utilization ratio is 20%.

Having a high credit utilization ratio can negatively impact your credit score. If you want to know how to improve your credit score fast, it’s recommended you keep your credit utilization ratio at 30% or less.

  1. Diversify the Types of Credit Your Have

Many people don’t realize how important diversification is when it comes to improving their credit score. Often, they seem to think that having just one or two accounts is better because it’s easier to keep track of them. In fact, having multiple different kinds of credit actually enhances your credit score, as it shows that you are capable of managing multiple accounts.

For example, your score will usually be higher if you have a credit card, a mortgage, and a home improvement loan all at the same time. Getting a loan through Homeowner Funding isn’t just a great way of getting that roof replacement you’ve been needing, but also of diversifying your credit mix.

How to Improve Your Credit Score with Homeowner Funding

In the same way that houses need regular maintenance and repairs, so too does your credit score. You may feel overwhelmed, like you don’t even know how to fix your credit. However, if you follow the steps listed above, your credit report will be in great shape before you know it.

You don’t have to do this alone. Homeowner Funding wants to help you rebuild your credit with a high-quality, low-interest home improvement loan. Don’t put off getting the renovations you need. Let us put our knowledge and experience to work for you.

Contact Homeowner Funding now!

Selecting a Walk-in Tub Style for Your Home

Friday, April 29th, 2022

You have plenty of walk-in tub styles to choose from in 2022.

Walk-in tubs are one of the most useful technologies we’ve seen in homes today.

The fact that they allow people to take baths without having to risk slipping and getting hurt makes walk-in tubs well worth looking into.

Add onto that the fact that you have plenty of choices when it comes to walk-in tubs. Depending on your needs, you can choose from a tub with water jets, aromatherapy features, larger entry doors for those who use wheelchairs, and just your basic tub with a door.

Choosing the best walk-in tub for your home in 2022 will come down to your requirements, your bathroom space, and your budget.

Know that if you go with a walk-in tub in your new bathroom remodel, Homeowner Funding can set you up with the financing plan to make it all possible.

Let’s learn more about choosing the best style of walk-in tub for you and your home in 2022.

What Factors Should Determine Your Style of Walk-in Tub?

You have plenty of walk-in tub styles to choose from in 2022, but what style you go with depends on several things.

Your Health

Before anything else, you should consider your health and mobility when selecting a tub. The primary reason people buy walk-in tubs for their homes is because they can’t step over the high wall of a standard tub and don’t want to risk slipping and falling at any point.

That makes walk-in tubs–with their low entry spaces, grab bars, anti-slip floors, and comfortable seats–ideal for elderly people and those with mobility issues.

Your Space

Something else to think about when selecting a walk-in tub is the bathroom space you have. A standard walk-in tub could be anywhere from 60 to 70 inches long and about 30 inches wide.

You’ll need to be sure you have the room for a walk-in tub before selecting one. Also, don’t forget about the door on the tub. The doors on most models open out, so you’ll need clearance for that.

However, don’t let the door stop you if everything else fits; you can get models with inward-swinging doors. Some people just find them more difficult to get into.

Your Home’s Water Capabilities

Because walk-in tubs allow you to sit down and be submerged up to your neck, you’ll need a lot of hot water at one time to fill the tub. If you have a traditional water heater, you’ll need to be sure it can provide you with between 40 and 80 gallons of hot water at a time.

You should also be sure your drain pipes can handle that amount of drainage all at once. Because of the high volume of water in a walk-in tub, draining can take between 5 and 15 minutes. This can be inconvenient for some people, since you have to wait in the tub until it’s fully drained and risk becoming cold.

Your Budget

Finally, you obviously have to think about your budget for a walk-in tub.

Because these tubs are specially designed for safety and convenience, they cost more than your average tub. You can expect to pay between $2,000 and $5,000 for a basic soaking walk-in tub.

Meanwhile, a tub with hydrotherapy elements can cost up to $7,000. A walk-in tub designed for bariatric individuals can cost $10,000 and up.

After considering all your other needs for a walk-in tub, think about what you can afford.

a walk-in tub with a transparent door

The Main Styles of Walk-in Tub in 2022

Now that you know the factors that can help you decide on the best walk-in tub for your home, let’s look at the options you have for walk-in tubs in 2022.

Basic Soaking Walk-in Tub

The most basic kind of walk-in tub is called a soaking tub or else just a walk-in tub. It has an entry door and a seat that will let you sit fully in the water. There are no other features here to speak of, but this basic style is good enough for many people.

Hydrotherapy Walk-in Tub

The next step up is a hydrotherapy walk-in tub. Just like you’ll find in a hot tub, a hydrotherapy walk-in tub features powerful water jets along the seat and the bottom that serve to massage the body and encourage general relaxation. If you feel this would be an important feature for you when you take a bath, it could be worth springing for the extra cost.

Aromatherapy Walk-in Tub

For something a little special, there’s also an aromatherapy walk-in tub option you could look into. You can place essential oils or beads into a compartment in the tub and then turn on the hydrotherapy jets. The jets will disperse the oils or beads into the water, helping to relax you even further by surrounding you with your favorite scent.

Wheelchair-Accessible Walk-in Tub

Then there are walk-in tubs built specifically for people who use wheelchairs. It isn’t that the wheelchair goes into the tub. These tubs simply feature much larger doors, an even lower wall to step over, and a higher tub seat. These features accommodate people who require a quick and easy transfer from a wheelchair to the tub seat.

Bariatric Walk-in Tub

Bariatric walk-in tubs are built for people who require more space to fit comfortably into a walk-in tub. The entry doors are wider, and the seat is much bigger.

Add a Walk-in Tub to Your Bathroom Remodel with Homeowner Funding

Walk-in tubs are a modern convenience that many people can’t do without.

If you’d like to include a walk-in tub into your bathroom remodel, Homeowner Funding can help. We’ll set you up with the right financing plan, design and install the remodel, and help you to understand your repayment terms afterward.

Get in touch with us now to learn more about us or to find out more about your options for a walk-in tub!

The Best Types of Insulation for Your Home

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022

You already know you need new insulation in your house, or you wouldn’t be researching the best types of insulation to get!

Truth be told, that’s where people get hung up, because they know they have options, but not why there are so many in the first place. Isn’t insulation over here the same as insulation over there?

As with most things related to home improvement, products are separated by price point and effectiveness, and you have to do what’s right for you, your wallet, and your home.

Below, we’ll detail the most common types of insulation and lay out their pros and cons so you can decide for yourself what is best.

By the way, you can check out this table to see the information below boiled down to the essentials:

Insulation Type R-Value Cost
Fiberglass Batts 2.9-4.3 per inch $25-$100 per roll
Blown-in 2.9-3.7 per inch $15-$140 per bag
Foam Boards 3.6-4.0 per inch $1.00 and up per sq. ft.
Spray Foam 3.7-6.2 per inch $0.50-$5.00 per sq. ft.

When you’re ready, you can call in Homeowner Funding for professional home insulation installation and financing!

How Do We Grade the Different Types of Insulation?

Before we get into the types of insulation, let’s talk quickly about how professionals grade insulation using R-values.

Insulation is assigned an R-value based on its effectiveness in preventing heat transfer. Common sense tells us that the thicker the insulation material, the less transfer you’re going to have.

The best types of insulation have higher R-values. They also cost more upfront, but of course, the money they save you on energy bills over time could make it all worthwhile.

Which Type of Insulation Is Right for You?

Now let’s get into the different kinds of insulation you have available to you.

As you go through these, remember that the right insulation for your home depends on the climate in your geographical area and the type of home you have. You may not necessarily need the insulation with the highest R-value.

1. Fiberglass Batt Insulation

One of the most commonly used types of insulation is fiberglass insulation, which comes in flat sections called batts.

These look like blankets of foam, but they’re really made of fine particles of glass and plastic. You can cut them as needed and then fit them up between ceiling joists and wall studs before drywalling or otherwise covering them.

installing fiberglass insulation batts

Fiberglass bats aren’t the highest-rated when it comes to R-value, and user error can lead to them being less effective than they should be (if you’re not sure of how to do it, call a professional!).

However, many people go for fiberglass batts when insulating their homes because they are friendly to users and their wallets. You can get a roll for anywhere between $25 and $100, and the R-value can range from 2.9 per inch of insulation to around 4.3 per inch.

2. Blown-In Insulation

Another type of insulation you’ve probably heard of is called blown-in insulation. Just like it sounds, this type of insulation is sprayed into the attic or behind the walls as fine particles that resemble dust or snow.

The main benefit of blown-in insulation is that it can get where fiberglass batts can’t. If you have an irregularly shaped attic or existing walls that you don’t want to tear down so you can install batts, blown-in insulation could be your way to go.

You have a few choices when it comes to the insulation material that you’re blowing in.

First up is fiberglass insulation, just like what you can find in batts. It’s the same material, just blown into the space in pieces rather than inserted as a rectangular chunk.

Then there’s cellulose, which looks similar to blown-in fiberglass but is made of finely shredded pieces of paper and cardboard. It’s cheaper than fiberglass and has an R-value of around 3.7 per inch. You can get a bag for around $15, but of course, different sizes and grades of it cost much more.

The last most common blown-in insulation type is rock wool. It appears like spun cotton just as fiberglass and cellulose do, but it’s actually made from the iron leftovers of a blast furnace.

You’ll get an R-value of 3.3 per inch from rock wool, but where it wins is in its fire resistance. Rock wool insulation is popular as insulation between the walls of a double-block house. The drawback is that rock wool insulation costs well over $100 per bag, and that makes it cost-prohibitive for the average homeowner to buy.

The other thing to keep in mind is that blown-in insulation needs a special machine to blow the insulation. Unless you’re experienced in doing this yourself, you’ll need a professional installer for the job.

3. Foam Board Insulation

Another common and simple type of insulation that remains popular is foam board insulation. These boards are usually made of expanded or extruded polystyrene and come in thicknesses of half an inch up to about four inches.

Their R-values depend on the type of foam board you get. Expanded polystyrene is the most budget-friendly and has an R-value of 3.6 to 4.0 per inch, but most people prefer extruded polystyrene. The extruded variety has an R-value of 4.5 to 5.0. 

Foam boards cost a bit more than fiberglass batts. You might pay up to $1.00 per square foot for foam boards, and even more when you include the labor of professional installers. Just remember you can get 4 feet by 8 feet of coverage out of a board.

Foam board insulation is the right option for areas of your home that are at risk of getting moisture, as the boards are moisture-resistant. Compare that to fiberglass or blown-in insulation, which are all susceptible to losing their effectiveness if they get wet.

If you have a solid roof and no reason to fear moisture infiltration, you don’t absolutely need to go with foam boards for your insulation choice.

4. Spray Foam Insulation

As you’ve shopped around for home insulation, you have probably also come across spray foam insulation. This is an effective type of insulation, but it may not be all that practical for the average homeowner due to its cost.

Spray foam is made of polyurethane that starts out as a soft, moldable substance that expands to fill the smallest spaces in the insulation area. The foam then hardens and is good to go.

spraying insulation on a wall

There are two types of spray foam insulation to consider: open-cell and closed-cell.

As you might expect, open-cell foam leaves more air in it as it expands, and it’s moisture-permeable. So, if you have moisture problems in the areas to be insulated, you’d want to go with closed-cell spray foam.

Closed-cell foam insulation has much more volume to it and will block moisture if that is your concern.

Now, there are a few down-sides to spray foam insulation. One is its cost. You’re getting good R-values from foam, but you pay for that convenience. Open-cell spray foam can give you an R-value of 3.7 per inch, while closed-cell foam can give you an R-value of 6.2. But you could end up paying anywhere from $0.50 to almost $5.00 per square foot for spray foam insulation.

That could amount to an insulation job costing thousands of dollars. Spray foam needs professional installers to get it right, so you’re paying for the materials and labor.

If you want some of the best insulation out there, though, spray foam is one way to go.

Choose from the Best Types of Insulation with Homeowner Funding

Whatever type of insulation you end up going with, know that professional insulation installers have this stuff down to a science. It all depends on the climate of your area and what you can afford, but you can’t really go wrong with any of the insulation types on this list.

When you’re ready to upgrade your home’s insulation and start saving big time on your energy costs, call Homeowner Funding. We’ll finance the job, set you up with our trained technicians, and explain all the details of your repayment plan.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about us or to get a quote on your job!

Steps to Planning a Home Addition

Friday, April 8th, 2022

The average home has everything you need to go about your daily life. It’s got a bedroom where you and your loved ones can sleep. A kitchen where you can prepare meals. And a bathroom where you can… well, you know.

But what about everything you want?

One of the great things about being a homeowner is being able to modify the existing structure to accommodate your personality and interests. Do you enjoy sitting with a hot cup of tea, watching the wind blow through the trees? You can put in a sunroom. Does your family enjoy outdoor activities such as boating, bicycling, or riding ATVs? You can make space for such vehicles by building a larger garage.

The list of home addition ideas available to you is limited only by your imagination. Well, that and your budget. Fortunately, Homeowner Funding makes it easy to make the renovations you want without breaking the bank. We may even be able to help you find grants and other funding resources that will allow you to finance home improvements without any cost to you.

If you’ve been thinking about building an addition on your property, reach out to Homeowner Funding now and let us help.

What is a Home Addition?

In technical terms, a home addition is any modification and revision to an existing area of a property to with the goal of making it more inhabitable or increasing space. This, in turn, usually raises the home’s resale value, which makes building an addition a great way of investing in a property you plan to sell later.

What Are Some Common Types of Home Additions?

Home additions come in many different shapes and sizes, and they can serve a wide variety of purposes. Below, you’ll find a short list of some of the most popular kinds of home additions today, but it’s worth keeping in mind that these are just a few examples. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when planning your own home addition.

Common home additions include:

  • An extended garage for storage of cars and other vehicles
  • A sunroom for relaxing or even entertaining family and friends
  • A dormer loft for additional living space or for guest stays
  • A greenhouse for growing plants, flowers, fruits, or vegetables
  • An exterior deck or porch for hosting outdoor get-togethers

3 Important Steps to Planning a Home Addition

a home addition being worked on

1. Calculate Your Construction Budget

One of the first steps to planning a home addition should always be to settle on your budget. How much money you have at your disposal goes a long way towards determining what you can and cannot build.

Financing a home addition can be an expensive prospect, no matter what your monthly bank account statement looks like. It’s a good idea to consider alternative funding sources other than your own income. Government grants and home improvement loans are some of the best ways of increasing your budget easily and affordably.

Remember to factor in not just the cost of labor and materials, but also permits, landscaping, furniture, and decor. The last thing you want when planning a home addition is to run into hidden costs you forgot to account for.

2. Create a Comprehensive Game Plan

After you’ve figured out how much money you have for your home addition project, you can begin working on the designs and details of the project itself. In this case, the more you plan ahead, the better shape you’ll be in once construction starts.

First, ask yourself what your home addition is for. Is it purely to increase your square footage? Are you hoping to add value to the property? Is it for storage? Work? Leisure? Next, consider where on your property the addition should go. How much space do you need? Will you need to knock down walls or install doors? Are there electrical or plumbing issues to worry about? How big will the addition be? How will the design mesh with the neighborhood’s aesthetic?

These and other questions can be difficult to answer all on your own. It helps to have an experiencing contractor from Homeowner Funding by your side.

3. Choose Your Architect & Contractor

Unless you want to try to design and build the addition yourself (not recommended!), you will need to employ the services of an architect and building contractors. Don’t wait; the sooner you begin working with an experienced architect and contractor, the sooner you can get the kind of expert advice necessary to make the most of your addition. After all, no one wants to spend days or even weeks planning the perfect home addition only to find out the project is unfeasible.

Not only will the architect and contractors be able to assess and reconfigure your plans if needed, but they can also help you determine the best materials and strategies for the addition you have in mind.
The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing an architect or a contractor is their level of knowledge and experience. Look at what kind of qualifications they have to make sure they are reliable. For example, Homeowner Funding is an Owens Corning Preferred Contractor, which means our work is recognized as among the highest quality available.

a house under construction

Finance the Addition of Your Dreams with Homeowner Funding

Whether you’re looking to build a deck in your backyard, expand your garage, or construct a dormer loft onto your roof, one thing that all additions have in common is this: they cost money

Still, no one said it had to be your money.

Without even realizing it, you may be eligible to receive grants or other forms of financial assistance to make the home improvements of your dreams. At Homeowner Funding, our top priority is to help you take advantage of these resources.

Even better, one thing that many customers quickly out about us is that Homeowner Funding doesn’t just employ the best home improvement financing counselors around but also the very best building contractors you’re likely to find anywhere. From simple repairs to complete overhauls, whatever you need help with, Homeowner Funding can do the job.

Schedule an appointment with us today to get started!

4 Best Spring Renovations for Your Home

Friday, April 1st, 2022

Springtime is indeed the best time to start your home renovations since the weather is neither too hot nor too cold for workers to move around.

Springtime also offers the best opportunities to conduct major home renovations, such as home insulation, roofing, and many more, now while the weather is mild.

Some might want to renovate their homes but don’t know where to start. It’s understandable because there are so many things to do when you decide to renovate your house. It involves planning and proper execution so that by the time winter comes, your house will be prepared to withstand the cold temperatures it brings with it.

This article will give you ideas on where to start, as we will recommend four of the best spring renovations you can do for your home. By the end of this article, you’ll have already decided what to do first.

Build an Addition

Building a sunroom or other addition is one of the most popular spring renovations that most homeowners do regularly. It gives them more living space that they might have needed desperately.

You can either add an extra room to your house or convert one of the rooms you don’t use into a usable one. Of course, this would involve hiring a contractor and getting the necessary permits, but it would be worth it in the long run.

Building another room can help you maximize your house’s living spaces, and it would be a great place to put your home office, library, or home gym. It would also help you accommodate your growing family by adding another bedroom or two for them.

Don’t be intimidated by the idea. Call Homeowner Funding today to talk to us about your options for an addition and the financing of it!

Overhaul Your Kitchen and Dining Area

Another spring renovation you can consider is an overhaul of your kitchen and dining area. This usually costs more than just building another room since it would require changing the layout, buying new appliances, and installing new cabinets. But if you’re planning to sell your house in the future, this would be a great way to increase its value.

a brand new kitchen renovation

Many people are now opting for open-kitchen concepts, where the dining area is part of the kitchen. This gives the house a more spacious feeling, and it would be great for gatherings and parties. If you’re not comfortable or used to this type of concept, then you can always go for a traditional layout.

You can also use this opportunity to add more storage space to your kitchen by installing new cabinets or shelves.

Improve Your House’s Insulation

To make your home more energy-efficient, you can add insulation to other parts of your house, such as your attic or walls. This would also help you save on your heating and cooling bills in the long run.

Springtime is definitely the right time to improve the insulation of your house before the cold days of fall and winter arrive.

You can either do this yourself or hire a contractor to do it for you. But if you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, it would be best to hire a professional.

If your home insulation is still in good condition, you can use this time to do annual maintenance, such as checking for leaks and repairing them. This is important because your winter nights would be unbearable if you neglected to check and care for your insulation.

Tackle Roofing Concerns

Lastly, since the weather is pleasant and there’s no snowfall in sight, now is the right time to replace or repair your roof. This spring renovation is important because your roof protects you and your family from the outside elements.

Check your roof for leaks and missing or damaged shingles. If you see any of these, it’s time to call a roofing contractor to fix the problem. It’s also a good idea to clean your gutters and downspouts to prevent water from accumulating and causing damage to your roof.

We recommend roof repair and replacement as one of the best spring renovations because it won’t be hard for the sealants to dry up easily, unlike in winter and autumn, when the temperature is colder.

These are just some of the best spring renovations you can do for your home. Of course, you can do many other things to improve your house, but these four should be a good place to start. Remember to always consult with professionals before starting any spring renovation project to ensure its success.

Let Homeowner Funding Help with Your Spring Renovations

Spring renovations don’t have to be hard! Not when you have the right help.

If you need to secure the right funding for your home renovations this spring, and know you have only the most professional contractors taking care of your job, you can reach out today to learn more about us.

Homeowner Funding has been making financing for spring renovations possible since 2005, so call us now to let us start helping you!

6 Things You Think Add Value to Your Home But Don’t

Saturday, March 26th, 2022

When you buy a house, you’re not just securing yourself a place to live. You’re also making an investment. As with anything else in life, though, there are good investments and there are bad investments.

At Homeowner Funding, we’ve seen our fair share of both. Something our customers know about us very well is that, in addition to helping people find home improvement financing options and providing high-quality contracting work, we pride ourselves on offering homeowners the best expert advice and industry guidance.

With that in mind, we here at Homeowner Funding have put together a helpful guide discussing 6 things you think add value to your home but don’t. By avoiding the home improvement pitfalls listed below, you can rest assured knowing that your resources are being used in ways that yield positive results.

Home Improvements That Won’t Add Value to a Property

Overbuilding for the Neighborhood

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make when trying to increase their property’s value through construction and renovation is overdoing it. Sunrooms and home additions can be a great way to boost your asking price, but building too much (or choosing to make the features you do build excessively luxurious) can ultimately sabotage your selling efforts.

Simply put, if a buyer is looking to purchase a property in a neighborhood where the average property is priced around $100,000, then it’s unlikely they have any interest in a $200,000 property. Likewise, if someone is in the market for a $200,000 house, they probably don’t want to live in a $100,000 neighborhood.

Making “Invisible” Upgrades

Another home improvement that seems like an obvious way of increasing the value of your home, but actually doesn’t, is an internal upgrade or repair, such as the installation of a new HVAC or plumbing system. That’s because these kinds of improvements are considered “invisible.” Most buyers won’t notice even when they’re looking right at them!

What buyers will notice is a bad heating or plumbing system. That’s because a home having good, properly functioning innards isn’t considered a luxury worth paying extra. It’s considered an essential that should already be assured. So while making repairs and upgrades to “invisible” systems won’t boost your sales price, not doing it will likely lower your price.

Putting in a Swimming Pool

Exterior view of a home with an indoor swimming pool

Installing a swimming pool is an expensive proposition for any homeowner, but that doesn’t mean the money you put into it will automatically come back to you. In fact, all too often, property owners find out that the money they spent on a swimming pool goes right down the drain.

Not only are swimming pools costly to install, but they also require regular, equally costly maintenance. As a result, while a swimming pool can sometimes help increase a home asking price slightly, it requires certain conditions to be met (Does the pool take up the entire yard? Do pools “fit in” with the rest of the neighborhood? etc.). Otherwise, the expense will likely overshadow any potential profit.

Enlarging Rooms by Removing Walls

We all wish our bedroom or our bathroom was just a little bigger, don’t we? It’s nice to have extra space to relax and stretch your legs. With that in mind, you might think that, instead of building an addition, knocking down a few walls is a great, easy way to increase the size of the rooms you already have. Think again.

Before you start looking into bedroom and bathroom remodel financing, consider not just what you will gain, but also what you will lose. Houses with more rooms tend to sell for higher prices than homes with larger rooms. A more spacious bedroom or bathroom might seem like a great selling point, but it automatically precludes you from selling to buyers with bigger families.

Putting in Niche Luxury Features

One of the best things about owning your own home is the freedom you have to customize it to satisfy your specific needs and interests. If you love movies, you might want to convert one room into a home theater. If you’re a foodie, you might want to turn your basement into a wine cellar. If you work from home, it might be worth investing in a dedicated office space.

The problem with niche features like these is that, while they’re perfect for you, they may not be perfect for someone else. The more you tailor a property to your own preferences, the harder it is to resell that property later. If you plan to live in your current house for many years to come, that may not be a big deal. But if you’re looking to sell, it’s something to keep in mind.

Adding Elaborate Landscaping

Curb appeal matters. Having an attractive, well-maintained lawn is an excellent way of attracting potential buyers. But just like when building additions, it’s important not to go overboard. More elaborate landscaping might prove eye-catching, but it can actually be a turn-off for those in the market for a new house. After all, once they move in, they’re the ones who have to maintain it.

For that reason, if you’re planning to sell your house, it’s often preferable to avoid planting trees, shrubbery, or other plants. Having a lush garden of flowers, fruits, or vegetables is certainly a draw for some people, but not for the majority of buyers. In any case, it certainly won’t add much resale value to your home.

Increase Your Property’s Value with Homeowner Funding

There’s an old saying that goes “It takes money to make money.” When it comes to adding resale value to your house, that adage definitely rings true. That said, knowing how to spend your money is just as important as having money in the first place.

Of course, not everyone has as much money to invest in their property as they’d like. That’s where Homeowner Funding comes in. Whether you’re looking for interior renovation, exterior repair, or even roof replacement financing, we can help you find the resources to get the home improvements you need.

Contact Homeowner Funding now for more information.

5 Top Interior Design Trends

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022

Every year brings with it new hopes, dreams, ambitions, and possibilities. For homeowners, those possibilities extend just as much to interior design as any other aspect of life. That is, after all, one of the great things about owning your own house: making it feel like home.

At Homeowner Funding, we’re always looking to stay on top of the top interior design trends. Whether you’re interested in a new addition or some bathroom remodel financing, we’re here to help you find the resources you need to turn your interior design dreams into interior design realities.

Thinking about giving your home a makeover? Here are some cool ideas to try!

Top Interior Design Trends to Revitalize Your House

Extravagant Canopy Beds

Everything old is new again, right? That’s certainly true when it comes to this year’s top interior design trends, which embrace classical and traditional styles without devolving into kitschy nostalgia.

In keeping with the stately atmosphere of old-school interior design, minimalism is out and maximalism is in, especially in the bedroom. Lush canopy beds are currently enjoying a big comeback, thanks in large part to their combination of fairy-tale aesthetics with undeniable comfort.

Inside Out and Outside In

Considering how much more time people have spent at home in the last few years due to the coronavirus pandemic, it’s no big surprise that more and more homeowners are trying to find a happy medium between staying inside and going outside.

Sunrooms and home additions that otherwise merge interior and exterior spaces are a great way to imbue your house with a sense of health and happiness. Likewise, consider adding more green tones, house plants, and nature-themed features, such as stoneware and terracotta.

A stylishly decorated kitchen with dark black and gray decor

Kitchens with Dark Colors

For the longest time, kitchen decor has been defined by bright, sunny colors meant to enhance a feeling of homey openness. In recent years, however, people are starting to go in the opposite direction, with darker, richer furnishings and decor.

Not only is this twist on traditional kitchen style extremely eye-catching, it also has a luxurious, intimate feeling that many people find relaxing. As a nice juxtaposition with smooth, featureless kitchen tiles, consider playing around with stony textures such as granite, marble, or quartzite.

Big Focus on Little Details

Earlier in this article, we proclaimed that minimalism is out and maximalism is in. That doesn’t mean that bigger is automatically better, though. Quite the opposite, the best way to pack in as much energy and style as possible is to focus on the little details.

Embrace decorative fixtures and trims on everything from whole rooms to small cabinets. Don’t be afraid to experiment with bold colors and striking patterns. Try thinking of your home almost as one big I Spy book (remember those?). The more closely visitors look, the more fun touches they’ll notice.

Combining New and Retro

Over the years, the top interior design trends have often gone back and forth between vintage chic and modern sleek. People are catching onto the inherent coolness of fusing the new and retro worlds together.

Instead of trying to slavishly emulate old-timey design styles, these days it’s all about pairing unique, antique furnishings with state-of-the-art technology. You might be surprised by how much these seemingly disparate aesthetics complement one another.

Give Your Home an Interior Design Makeover Today

From interior design to exterior renovation, whatever your house needs to be the best that it can be, Homeowner Funding can help. Not only can we assist you in finding grants and other financial resources to help you pay for your home improvement, but the contractors we employ are second to none.

Since 2005, we have enabled hundreds of people from all walks of life to achieve their home improvement goals. If you’re interested in learning more about us and how we can do the same for you, contact Homeowner Funding today. We’re excited to work with you!