
A calculator being used to crunch numbers

Overcoming Credit Challenges: A Guide to Home Improvement Funding for Low Credit Scores

In today’s competitive housing market, home improvements have become increasingly important for homeowners looking to enhance their living spaces and increase the value of their properties. However, for those with low credit scores, securing funding for such projects can be a daunting task. The good news is that overcoming credit challenges is not an insurmountable […]
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Repairmen fixing a roof

Why Investing in a New Roof Can Save You Money in the Long Run

A sturdy and reliable roof is more than just a protective covering for your home; it is a wise investment that can have a significant impact on your long-term finances. While the upfront cost of a new roof may appear substantial, it is crucial to recognize the multitude of ways it can save you money […]
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A new roof being put on a house

The Real Cost of Roof Repair vs. Replacement

Your roof is one of the most vital components of your home’s structure. It protects you and your belongings from the elements and plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and value of your property. However, over time, roofs can deteriorate due to age, weather conditions, or other factors, requiring repairs or even replacement. […]
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An image of an old window showing snow outside

Window Replacement: Signs It’s Time and What to Consider

Windows play a crucial role in our homes, providing natural light, ventilation, and a connection to the outside world. Over time, however, windows can deteriorate, become less energy-efficient, and lose their aesthetic appeal. Recognizing the signs that it’s time for window replacement is essential for maintaining the comfort, efficiency, and beauty of your home. In […]
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Close-up of a credit report print-out

How to Increase Your Credit Score

One of the biggest obstacles to getting important home improvements is the cost. That’s why Homeowner Funding is here to help you find affordable and easy-to-understand home improvement loans that meet your needs. That said, one of the biggest obstacles to getting a good home improvement loan is your credit score. Though we’re often able […]
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view from inside a walk-in tub

Selecting a Walk-in Tub Style for Your Home

You have plenty of walk-in tub styles to choose from in 2022. Walk-in tubs are one of the most useful technologies we’ve seen in homes today. The fact that they allow people to take baths without having to risk slipping and getting hurt makes walk-in tubs well worth looking into. Add onto that the fact […]
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installing blocks of fiberglass insulation

The Best Types of Insulation for Your Home

You already know you need new insulation in your house, or you wouldn’t be researching the best types of insulation to get! Truth be told, that’s where people get hung up, because they know they have options, but not why there are so many in the first place. Isn’t insulation over here the same as […]
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a home undergoing construction

Steps to Planning a Home Addition

The average home has everything you need to go about your daily life. It’s got a bedroom where you and your loved ones can sleep. A kitchen where you can prepare meals. And a bathroom where you can… well, you know. But what about everything you want? One of the great things about being a […]
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major spring renovations going on in a house

4 Best Spring Renovations for Your Home

Springtime is indeed the best time to start your home renovations since the weather is neither too hot nor too cold for workers to move around. Springtime also offers the best opportunities to conduct major home renovations, such as home insulation, roofing, and many more, now while the weather is mild. Some might want to […]
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Three men on ladders performing improvements to a home’s roof

6 Things You Think Add Value to Your Home But Don’t

When you buy a house, you’re not just securing yourself a place to live. You’re also making an investment. As with anything else in life, though, there are good investments and there are bad investments. At Homeowner Funding, we’ve seen our fair share of both. Something our customers know about us very well is that, […]
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A king-size bed with a hanging canopy above it

5 Top Interior Design Trends

Every year brings with it new hopes, dreams, ambitions, and possibilities. For homeowners, those possibilities extend just as much to interior design as any other aspect of life. That is, after all, one of the great things about owning your own house: making it feel like home. At Homeowner Funding, we’re always looking to stay […]
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Scene of a house after a heavy snowfall, with several feet of snow piled up outside

How to Winterize Your Home

There’s nothing like a fresh layer of snow on a crisp winter morning — except for maybe warm feet, unburst pipes, and a heating bill that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. This cozy picture could be your life… if you know how to winterize your home. When you winterize a home, you protect […]
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A newly remodeled suburban home with well-maintained landscaping

5 Exterior Home Improvements for 2023

There’s never a bad time to update the outside of your home, but it’s hard to think of a better time to make exterior home improvements than at the start of a brand new year. Enter 2023 with refreshed curb appeal and a crisp- up-to-date look. So, without further ado, let’s ring in the new […]
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Hidden Fire Dangers of Metal Roofing

What’s the better material to use when installing roof shingles: metal or asphalt? When it comes to safety, you might automatically think the metal object is superior, right? The truth might surprise you. In comparing the advantages and disadvantages of a metal roof vs asphalt, it quickly becomes apparent that metal is actually the WRONG […]
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Are Solar Panels Worth It in the Long Run?

Electricity rates are rising, and property owners are looking for ways to reduce their utility bills. Keeping the thermostat set higher in the summer and lower in the winter will reduce energy usage, but you are sacrificing comfort. Switching to solar power seems to make sense but is it worth it in the long run? […]
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How to Create the Perfect Home Office

It’s no exaggeration to say that the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we live and work. Even as more workspaces open up again, working from home continues to remain part of our lives. While it’s convenient, working from home has its challenges, the biggest is balancing home life with work life when work is literally […]
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Top Amazing Water Features

With a little bit of planning, some DIY skills, and a relatively small budget, you could add a backyard waterfall to your home. In just a day or so, you could have an attractive water feature in your yard.  But, if you want a waterfall that’s much more than a simple hole in the ground, […]
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Top Questions for Contractors

Contractors are extremely helpful professionals who can help you turn your property into the home of your dreams. And while the contractors at Homeowner Funding are among the most experienced and professional in the industry today, there are also some not-so-great contractors you should be wary of. That’s why it’s incredibly important that you ask […]
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Tips for Building Your Backyard Oasis

Building your backyard oasis is a project you’ve likely thought about for some time! An essential part of any home is a charming, relaxing outdoor space. From the comfort of the perfect patio swing to the incomparable convenience of an outdoor kitchen, backyards are where millions of us spend so much of our lives. It’s […]
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Do Pools Really Increase the Value of Your Home?

Installing a pool is an improvement option almost every homeowner has considered, especially during the warm season or when they want to sell their properties. So, do pools increase the value of your home? Yes, they do. However, while it may increase the value of your home, that doesn’t automatically guarantee good returns on your […]
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Your Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

When fall approaches and the weather begins to change, there are several things homeowners need to address for safety and to ensure homes stay comfortable. The main concern is removing or handling things that could pose a risk to the home or the occupants inside.  Remember that keeping up with regular seasonal maintenance is essential […]
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Best Ways to Rebuild Credit

Bad credit can happen to anyone. Medical bills, unexpected expenses, or job loss can result in unpaid bills or late payments, which can decrease your credit score. A low credit score will make borrowing money impossible or more expensive because of higher interest rates.   The good news is that there are steps you can take […]
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Home Addition Ideas for Increasing Square Footage

Increasing square footage in your home is a puzzle. Do you rearrange furniture and the layout of existing rooms or move walls around inside your home to increase your square footage? Moving furniture likely won’t result in a massive living space improvement, and moving walls around runs the risk of interfering with local building codes.  […]
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Financing Energy Efficient Homes

Retrofitting homes to make them energy-efficient is a great way of saving money in the long run, but it can be expensive in the here and now. Fortunately, homeowners who want to upgrade their energy efficiency can do it without emptying their bank accounts. Through Homeowner Funding, many different grants and programs for roof, window, […]
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What Upgrades Increase Home Value?

If you want to increase your home’s overall value, whether you plan to sell or simply to increase equity, you’ll want to choose these top home improvement projects to help make that happen. These upgrades are the best way to invest money in your home to increase the value.  Keep reading to find out which […]
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Everything You Need to Know About Garage Additions

If you’re looking to add more living space, both attached and detached garage additions are a great way to do it. They offer the perfect solution for people who need more room and don’t have any extra land.  This article will explain both attached and detached garage additions, how they work, and things to think […]
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Home Renovation Costs: Is It Worth It?

Every homeowner comes to a point where they must decide whether they want to open up their wallets and undertake a renovation project. Even if you’re going to pack up and move, you’ll need to decide whether it would be lucrative to upgrade your dingy bathroom or old-fashioned kitchen to increase your return on investment. […]
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Home Renovations: DIY vs. Hiring Professionals

Does your home have outdated features or older rooms? It may be time for a home renovation to increase your property value and keep up with the current trends. DIY or “do it yourself” projects can be cost-effective if you want to save money. However, some renovations are better off in the hands of a […]
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Top 4 Ways To Pay For Your Landscaping Project

Landscaping projects are expensive. Paying for the labor of the landscape contractor and the landscaping companies they work for racks up the bill without even considering the price for materials. At Homeowner Funding, we understand the stress of figuring out how to cover the project costs and the maintenance costs for upkeep after the project […]
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8 Proven Ways to Increase Home Value

Home improvements increase the value of your home whether you plan to sell next month or next year. We at Homeowner Funding are here to give you tips on the best way to boost your home and help provide the funding.  Below, we list eight ways to increase the value of your home. We guarantee […]
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How to Budget for a Home Renovation

Creating a budget can be rather difficult, especially when it comes to new projects. Knowing what you want is the easy part, but figuring out how to manage the cost is usually another story. What is the secret to a proper renovation budget? Details. From including shipping costs in the calculations to knowing exactly how […]
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Is Building a Garage a Smart Investment?

When it comes to homeowners’ reasons for adding to their homes, increasing property values is at the top of the list. Even so, many people overlook the ROI of an attached garage. Even those aware of the return-on-investment can be unsure of how to get funding for a plan of this size. For homeowners interested […]
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How to Build Equity in Your Home

Building equity in your home gives you a fantastic long-term asset. The more of the property you own, the more you are eligible to borrow using a home equity loan — and at a better interest rate. Every time you make extra payments on your mortgage, you take a large stake in the ownership of […]
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The Best Bathroom Renovation Trends

With the amount of time we spend in our homes, we want it to feel as warm, cozy, and inviting as possible. But areas of the home that often go overlooked are the bathrooms and powder rooms. With so many beautiful modern bathroom ideas, you can make these areas just as beautiful as your kitchen […]
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Financial Options for Funding A Flip

House flipping is a great way to make a profit through real estate investment. Unfortunately, though, it can be quite expensive to perform all of the necessary renovations that come with the territory. If you’re getting into this business, you’ll need to be familiar with your financing options. Loans for house flipping are different from […]
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How to Prepare for a Home Renovation

Home renovations can be stressful. From sending your house into disarray to completely compromising your daily routine, home improvements can really upheave the structure of your life.  However, there is one way to avoid these pressures — and that’s thorough preparation. Simply sitting down and planning your home renovation can play a major role in […]
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5 Ways You Can Add Value to Your Home

Home improvement isn’t only relevant for when you decide to sell your home. You can, and should, try to increase the value of your home whenever you get the opportunity. How do you do that, exactly? Well, you’re in the right place to find out. Listed below are our top five picks on how to […]
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Choosing the Right Renovation Loan

Flipping houses is an attractive venture for anyone who wants to see big profits. But, as the old saying goes, you need to have money to make money. The lack of capital can be enough to deter most hopeful flippers. Fortunately, you can get the funds you need through financing options like renovation loans. This […]
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When Is the Best Time of Year to Renovate?

Renovating your home can be a huge undertaking, both in terms of money spent and time consumed. However, it can also be highly rewarding. Not only can it completely transform the feel of your home, but it can also greatly increase the value of your property! Knowing when to embark on this journey can be […]
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How to Avoid Rising Renovation Costs

If you’ve looked into renovating your single-family home before, you may have initially been deterred by the high cost of materials. As these price increases continue, many homeowners feel that their dreams of renovation may never come true. Fortunately, there are options available that can help make these costly materials more accessible. But what is […]
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When to Start Planning for Your Summer Remodel

A summer remodel of your home is an exciting prospect. There is so much that you can alter to improve your living space and add some significant value to your property.  However, the process can also be quite daunting. Especially when you sit down for the first time and realize just how much you want […]
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Green Remodeling: 10 Sustainable House Design Ideas

Over recent years, many people have realized the importance of making lifestyle changes that are better for the environment. There are many ways to make your everyday life more sustainable, including within your home. Of course, you may do things like swap out regular light bulbs for ones that are more eco-friendly or turning down […]
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When Do You Need a Permit for Your Remodeling Project?

When you’re planning a home remodeling project, you have a lot of work on your plate. Even smaller projects require a lot of planning, like setting a budget and finding a contractor. All home remodeling work can be stressful and come with a lot for you to do, but some are much more complicated than […]
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Top 8 Renovation Projects

Houses of all ages require a lot of upkeep. Home renovations and remodeling projects come up all the time, and many of them can be huge undertakings for homeowners. Some features get old and give you no choice but to replace them, while others might go out of style and become outdated. There are plenty […]
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5 Tips to Save Money on a Home Addition

Of all the remodels, repairs, and renovations a homeowner can undertake, few are quite as demanding as building a whole new addition. Whether you’re adding a guest bedroom, a second garage, a glass-enclosed sunroom, or something else entirely, additions take a lot of time, work, and money. Fortunately, at Homeowner Funding we know how to […]
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A lender giving a homeowner money to finance a home improvement

The Best Home Improvement Loans of 2023

Houses are a lot like people. No two are identical. They all have different needs and assets, but one thing they all have in common is that they all require love and care as the years go by. Loans are a lot like people, too. They’re all very different from one another. What’s more, it’s […]
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8 Investments That Boost Your Home’s Value

A huge amount of work goes into making a house a home. During your time as a homeowner, you’ll end up doing a lot of home improvement projects and repairs to create your dream home and keep it in good shape. While you want to do home improvement projects that reflect your style and what […]
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How to Get a Home Improvement Loan with Bad Credit

Having bad credit can make a lot of things more difficult for you. However, many of us have suffered from a bad credit score at some point, and sometimes it can be unavoidable. If you have bad credit, you know that life still has to go on, even if it causes some extra challenges for […]
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How to Make Green Home Improvements

Going green with your home improvements has a dual benefit for you as a homeowner: not only will you have the peace of mind of knowing you are keeping the environment safe from pollutants, but you will also save big money on your energy bills from everything you have installed. Of course, if we left […]
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8 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Summer

Once the weather starts getting warmer, you’re probably starting to plan all the things you want to do over the summer. While this could mean planning vacations for many, home improvement projects are also on the top of many people’s to-do lists. Summer is the perfect time for home repairs and renovations, especially for the […]
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8 Unique Ways to Pay for Home Improvements

We all need to do home improvements eventually. Home improvements can be stressful for many reasons, but many homeowners don’t enjoy them due to the cost. Even a small home improvement project can get extremely expensive. This isn’t something most people can afford without making a plan for how they’ll manage to pay for it. […]
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6 Ways to Modify Your Home for Someone with Physical Disabilities

Having a physical disability causes many obstacles that might never occur to non-disabled people. This can make it difficult to get around public places that don’t provide modifications for people with disabilities. However, many people with physical disabilities also struggle to get around their own homes. If someone has recently developed a disability or recently […]
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A Buyer’s Guide for Siding

Planning a major renovation project can cause homeowners a lot of stress. You want to be sure you’re making the right choice and staying within your budget, which requires a huge amount of research. Every home needs multiple renovations, both big and small, over the years as features wear down or become outdated. One big […]
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How to Increase Home Value

Buying a house is a big investment, one that you want to make sure will pay off should the time come when you decide to put your property back on the market. The way housing markets fluctuate, however, the best way to boost your resale value is with the following home improvement projects. Beautify Your […]
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Here’s How to Finance Your Kitchen Remodel

In the modern age, it’s almost impossible for homeowners to avoid the infamous kitchen remodel. People want to fix up their kitchens for any number of reasons. Whether you’re looking to increase your home’s value before you move, or you just can’t stand those ugly pea green walls and linoleum floor anymore, an update is […]
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5 Home Improvements You Should Make Before Selling Your Home

The only thing more nerve-wracking than preparing to buy a house might just be preparing to sell one. The housing market is difficult to predict, with values rising and falling all the time. You obviously put a lot of work and money into acquiring your property. How can you make sure you get the biggest […]
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Metal Roof vs. Asphalt Shingle Roof

At Homeowner Funding, we make it our business to be experts in the home improvement industry. After all, we are more than just the company that provides remodeling financing to customers throughout the Northeastern United States. We are also the installers who know how to do it all. When it comes to roofing, everybody knows […]
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4 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score Fast

Everybody wants a good credit score. After all, a strong number on your credit report is essentially the key to unlocking all kinds of financial products and options that can benefit you in the long run. Credit cards, substantial loans, and low interest rates could all be yours if you can just get that credit […]
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The Beginner’s Guide to Credit Scores

It doesn’t matter if you’re a teenager getting your first credit card or an adult looking to buy your first house: most people could probably use some education on credit scores. You’ve probably heard how important it is to build and maintain good credit throughout your life. A strong credit score can allow you to […]
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Finding Home Loans With Bad Credit (Yes, You Can)

Most home improvement projects are extremely expensive, so few people can pay for this out of pocket. If you’re planning your first large home renovation project, you might be wondering how to pay for home improvements. To afford home repairs, most people turn to home improvement loans. These loans are specifically meant for homeowners to […]
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Here’s How to Finance Your Remodel

Most of us have long lists of things we want to do around the house. Between urgent, necessary  repairs and cosmetic changes to make a house feel more like a home, houses require a lot of professional work. No matter how good of a caretaker you are, eventually, repairs will need to be done throughout […]
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How to Choose the Right Program to Fund Your Home Improvement Project

In a perfect world, you can pay for whatever you need out of pocket and not worry about finding assistance or applying for loans. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for most people. When you have a big expense, you’ll likely have to get help paying for it. This is the case for many home improvement […]
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4 Types of House Additions to Add More Space

Homeowners can have all kinds of reasons for wanting to add to their existing houses. The biggest advantage that houses with additions offer? Extra space. Maybe your family is getting too large for your current home, but you love your current house and neighborhood too much to move. Maybe you’ve recently started working from home […]
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Bathroom Remodel Ideas That Really Pay Off

Home design magazines are filled with beautiful bathroom ideas that look like they could be in a spa. We all want a bathroom that looks like the ones you can find in magazines, but few of us have one. Bathrooms go through a lot of wear and tear that other rooms in the house don’t […]
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8 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill This Summer

Many people spend a good portion of the year waiting for summer to come. Being able to sit outside in the sun and enjoy the warm weather is a relaxing way to spend the day. Once this weather starts, you might feel relieved to not have to deal with the cold. However, the heat can […]
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Top 3 House Siding Options

The siding of your house is one of those aspects of home improvement that is easy to ignore. Siding sits there on the house for years, not attracting much attention. However, siding is actually among the most important parts of your home safety and security. Siding exists to protect the structure itself from the harshness […]
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How Do Home Improvement Loans Work?

Most homeowners have a long list of improvements they’d like to do around the house. Some of these might be projects that absolutely have to be done, but there are plenty of purely aesthetic changes that will just make you enjoy your home more. Whatever the reason for your home improvements, this can be a […]
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8 Ways to Boost Your Home Value

Many of us hope to find our forever homes, but you’ll likely live somewhere else before you get there. Even if you don’t plan on staying in your current home forever, it’s still a huge investment. You want to feel comfortable and happy while you’re there, but you also want to be able to get […]
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How to Finance a Home Renovation

The job of a homeowner never feels like it’s fully over. No matter how much work you put into your home, something else always seems to come up that quickly requires your attention. There’s no doubt that a large amount of time and work goes into the basics of taking care of a house. You […]
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How to Pay For Home Improvements

People all over the country dream of the day they can buy their own home. Finally buying a home for yourself can be a great feeling, knowing you have a place to call your own and no longer need to worry about renting. However, being a homeowner comes with plenty of challenges. One of the […]
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Repairing and Improving a Home

Most of us have a long list of home improvement projects that we’d like to do. Many times, these projects aren’t just aesthetic want, but ones that are necessary for our homes. Over time, many parts of a house will need to be updated due to age and regular wear and tear. We all need […]
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