Bathroom Remodel Ideas That Really Pay Off

Home design magazines are filled with beautiful bathroom ideas that look like they could be in a spa. We all want a bathroom that looks like the ones you can find in magazines, but few of us have one. Bathrooms go through a lot of wear and tear that other rooms in the house don’t get. In addition to the damage bathrooms can have, at some point, they’ll also become outdated. This is no place for you to feel relaxed at the end of the day. 

Not only should you consider remodeling your bathroom for your own comfort, but it can really pay off in the long run. Homebuyers strongly consider the quality of bathrooms when looking at houses, and they’re often willing to spend a little more on homes that already have great bathrooms. If you invest in your bathroom right now, you could benefit from it when you move. 

Here are a few bathroom remodel ideas that you should start looking into. 

Install a New Bath/Shower

When most people think of their perfect bathroom, they’re likely picturing a great bathtub or shower. You might have a bath that works perfectly fine but is far from a relaxing place to take a bath. A bathtub should be an inviting place where you can unwind at the end of the day. Likewise, you want a shower that makes you feel like you’re at a spa every day. You might also need a bath and shower that are more accessible for anyone in your home who struggles to step into a tub. Age and disabilities can make bathing unsafe without the right bath, so this is extremely important for those who need it. 

Get New Flooring

The floors in your bathroom get exposed to water regularly. Some bathroom floors can handle constant water exposure, but not all flooring is intended for this, so it won’t last very long. Commonly used materials like vinyl aren’t meant to last long and can go out of style quickly. Your bathroom floor should be able to hold up for years to come. A high-quality bathroom floor may be expensive at first, but you won’t have to worry about replacing it anytime soon. 

Update Your Fixtures

Not all ways you can improve your bathroom need to be major changes. Sometimes, a few minor fixes can have a huge impact on the look of your bathroom. New light fixtures can completely change the feel of a room instantly, even just getting lightbulbs in a different tone can feel major. If you have a vanity that’s in great condition, but a little dated, you might just need new hardware or even a new faucet. You should also fixtures you might not pay much attention to normally, like towel hooks or your toilet paper holder. These are changes that you’ll easily be able to do on your own in no time. 

Add a New Vanity

Many of us wish we had more space in our bathrooms. Unfortunately, building storage like shelving or a linen closet isn’t an option for most people. One way you can easily create more storage space in your bathroom is with a new vanity. If you have the space for an updated vanity that’s larger than your current one, this is a great switch to make. This will not only give you more storage and countertop space, but it also changes the look of your bathroom significantly. A vanity is one of the most prominent parts of the bathroom and will immediately catch someone’s eye. 

Invest in a Water-Saving Toilet

It probably hasn’t occurred to you just how much water your toilet uses up. Even if you have thought of this before, you might have thought nothing can be done about it. If you haven’t heard of water-saving toilets, wasted water might be something you thought you had to accept. More and more people are concerned with the amount of water they use, so toilets that can use less water are becoming more commonplace. Over time, you’ll also end up saving money on your water bill. 

Fund Your Bathroom Remodel

Just because you’ll benefit from your new bathroom over the years, doesn’t mean you have the money right now to do it. Although it’s more than worth it, a high-quality bathroom remodel can be extremely expensive. A home improvement loan can give you the funds you need to complete your bathroom renovation.

Contact Homeowner Funding to learn more about how we can make your bathroom remodel possible.

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Joe D.

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