8 Ways to Boost Your Home Value

Many of us hope to find our forever homes, but you’ll likely live somewhere else before you get there. Even if you don’t plan on staying in your current home forever, it’s still a huge investment. You want to feel comfortable and happy while you’re there, but you also want to be able to get as much as possible for it when it’s time to sell. 

There are many ways that you can improve your home’s value, whether it’s through major renovations or smaller DIY projects. Here are eight ways to boost your home’s value when you’re ready to sell it. 

Improve Your Curb Appeal

A house that looks bad from the outside can have potential buyers driving right past it. This is the first thing buyers notice, so it’s important that you get your first impression right. The most common advice for people looking for ways to boost their home’s value is to work on its curb appeal. If you have the space for a garden in front of your home,  some flowers or small shrubs can instantly make your home look more attractive. Even if this isn’t an option, making sure your lawn is on top-shape can make a huge difference on its own. For something more major, consider investing in new siding if yours is getting too old. Old windows and doors can also be obvious from the outside, so they should be updated as well.

Create More Space 

Some buyers want a new house because they want something smaller than their current home, but many are looking for the opposite. As a family grows, they tend to look for houses with more space, or small households might want a bigger space for their possessions. If your house is on the smaller side, you might benefit from an addition when you’re selling it. One extra room in your house can have a huge difference, especially if it’s an addition like a sunroom. 

Make it Energy-Efficient

No one wants to spend a fortune each year to heat and cool their homes, or for any other utilities. Because of this, making your home more efficient is one of the best things you can do to boost its value. This also becomes more important for buyers as people want to find more ways to live environmentally-friendly lives. There are many ways you get work towards getting your home more energy-efficient, but one of the best is getting a new installation. With installation you can rely on, you won’t have to worry about outside temperatures getting in or make your HVAC system work harder than it has to.

Renovate Your Bathroom

Every room of your house is important when you’re trying to sell, but the bathrooms are especially important. Styles can change and quickly make your bathroom outdated, but frequent use and exposure to water can also require a renovation. Every detail of your bathroom can make a difference, but especially bathtubs and showers. These have to be not only functional, but also relaxing. Everyone dreams of having the perfect bathroom, and buyers will be ready to pay for a luxury like that. 

Finish Any Important Repairs

Fixer-uppers are extremely common, but there are still many people who don’t want to have to do any major renovations on a home. If your home needs expensive repairs done soon, buyers might lose interest because of the hassle, or they might expect you to lower the cost for them. Homeowners who already know that there are urgent repairs, like a new roof, or will need to be done soon should take care of it themselves before selling. Buyers could be willing to pay more for a home that’s fully up to date in terms of repairs. 

Turn it Into a Smart Home

Just a few years ago, it may have seemed like something meant for far into the future, but today, smart homes are a reality for many people. A smart home might not be a requirement for many buyers, but it can be a huge benefit to have. Changing your home into a smart home can be a great way to set yourself apart from the competition and make buyers more willing to spend more for your home. Many of the changes you can make to turn your home into a smart home aren’t as complicated or expensive as you might think, but it can still help boost your home’s value. 

Update Your Kitchen

Like your bathrooms, buyers will be paying extra attention to your kitchen. Many think of the kitchen as the heart of the home, so you can be sure buyers are paying attention to yours. If there’s one thing that can really draw buyers in, it’s a stunning bathroom. Some kitchens might require a huge renovation where everything needs to be gutted and completely redone, but others might need some small changes like a new backsplash or a new paint color on the cabinets. 

Make Some Cosmetic Updates

Not all the ways to fix up your house have to be difficult, it can be as simple as just making it look nice. You want your home to look its best when buyers walk through, and this is something you can likely do yourself. If it’s been a while since your home’s last cosmetic update, now is the time to refresh it. This can be something as simple and fresh coats of paint throughout the house or even a professional deep cleaning to make everything look like new. 

Get Help Funding Your Home Renovations

Renovations will benefit you in the long run, but until then, they can be a huge expense that you might not be able to take on by yourself. If you have a home improvement project planned that  can help boost your home’s value, let Homeowner Funding help. We can work with you to get funding that will make your renovations possible.

Contact us to get started. 

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Joe D.

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