Green Remodeling: 10 Sustainable House Design Ideas

Over recent years, many people have realized the importance of making lifestyle changes that are better for the environment. There are many ways to make your everyday life more sustainable, including within your home. Of course, you may do things like swap out regular light bulbs for ones that are more eco-friendly or turning down your heat, but the design of your house and the materials you use can also have a huge difference and help you become more sustainable.

Here are ten sustainable house design ideas that can help you live a greener life.

Build a Smaller Home

If you’re building a new home, one great way to ensure you aren’t using too much energy is by building a smaller home. The energy that goes into powering and heating a home can be a lot, so by building a smaller home, you won’t require as much. This doesn’t mean you have to build a tiny home and struggle to make room for your family and possessions, but if you have the power to decide what size home to get, consider how much space you really need to live comfortably. 

Use the Sun for Heat and Light

Sunlight is much more valuable than you might think, especially when you’re trying to cut down on the amount of energy you use. Rather than using energy to heat your home and keep it lit, you can rely on the sun more often. Keeping the curtains open can help you stop turning the lights on all day, but letting in enough sunlight can also warm up your house. If you’re building a new home, consider building in a spot that will allow more light to come into your home, or if you’re doing a home renovation, consider adding in skylights to bring in more sunshine.

Build with Local Materials 

When you’re doing any sort of renovation, try buying locally sourced materials if it’s an option. Buying local materials means that they won’t have to be transported very far, unlike other materials produced states away. The less these materials need to travel to get to you, the less impact on the environment they have. Plus, by building with local materials when you can, you’ll be supporting businesses in your own community. 

Invest in New Insulation

Anyone concerned about the amount of energy they need to heat and cool their home needs to look into new insulation. Without proper insulation, you could be losing a lot of the heat and air conditioning that goes into keeping your house comfortable. This leads to you needing even more energy to keep your home at the right temperature and costs you more money. If you’re looking for sunroom cooling options, investing in insulation for your home may help keep it cool.

Use Sustainable Materials 

If you’re building a new home or renovating your current home, look into sustainable building materials. Today, many building materials are made out of old recycled and reclaimed materials, such as reclaimed wood. Using these materials that are already available prevents them from going to waste and is much better for the environment than sourcing new materials. 

Install Renewable Energy Sources

Many people are making the change to renewable energy sources in their homes. In most cases, this means installing panels to use solar power. While the initial cost of changing power sources may be expensive, you could end up saving money on your energy bill over time. Alternatives like this can also be beneficial, as when the power goes out, you may still have power for your home.

Get a Rainwater Harvesting System

In addition to using more eco-friendly options like solar energy to power your house, there are also ways to use a more natural water source. Depending on where you live, you may be able to harvest rainwater. This is perfect for things like watering your plants, cleaning your car, and bathing your pets. Harvesting rainwater prevents you from using water from your home, which can also help you save some money. 

Utilize Native Plant Life

Of course, eco-friendly home design extends outside of your home. If you have a yard or garden, you likely put a lot of energy into caring for it. Rather than using a large amount of energy and water to care for a yard, find plants native to your area that can thrive naturally and don’t require as much maintenance. 

Get Eco-Friendly Windows and Doors

If you live in an older home, there’s a good chance you need new windows and doors. Older windows and doors can be extremely drafty, which wastes the energy used for heating and cooling your home. Not only can new windows and doors help cut your energy bill, but some are made specifically to be more eco-friendly. If you’re trying to reduce the amount of energy you use, getting energy-efficient windows can help. When you’re considering getting new windows and doors, do some research, like learning how to count windows for replacement

Install Greener Appliances

As your current appliances start to reach the end of their useful life, consider finding more eco-friendly replacements when you need them. You can find greener alternatives to most of the major appliances you use in your home every day. These require less energy to function, which is one more way that making sustainable changes can help you save money. 

Find Financing for Your Home Renovations 

Sustainable home renovations are great for the environment, but they can be extremely expensive. If you want to create a more eco-friendly home but can’t manage the cost on your own, these renovations are still possible for you. At Homeowner Funding, we help homeowners find funding options that help them pay for their home improvement projects, such as an insulation renovation.  

Apply for homeowner funding today to learn more about how we can help with your next renovation.

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Joe D.

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