8 Home Improvement Projects to Tackle This Summer

Once the weather starts getting warmer, you’re probably starting to plan all the things you want to do over the summer. While this could mean planning vacations for many, home improvement projects are also on the top of many people’s to-do lists. Summer is the perfect time for home repairs and renovations, especially for the front of your home or your outdoor space. Nice weather can motivate all of us to tackle projects we’ve been putting off all winter and make us feel ready for some positive changes. If you’re ready to freshen up your home this summer, you might not know where to start. 

There are plenty of home improvement projects that you can do yourself, but some will require professional help. Here are eight home improvement projects that homeowners should look into for this summer.

Redo Your Siding

Putting up new siding is a huge undertaking but a necessary one. Your home’s siding protects it from the elements, so this isn’t something you want to neglect for too long. Most siding can last for several decades, but if you’re in an older home or have lived in your current home for a while, it could be time to get something new. Not only will this keep your home protected, but it can transform your home’s appearance. New siding is a huge boost to your home’s curb appeal, and you may even be able to get help with siding financing for the project. 

Revamp Your Kitchen

Kitchen renovations are always popular, and there’s no better time for them than the summer. Depending on what your kitchen needs, this might only be a small weekend project you can tackle alone, but kitchen renovations can quickly turn into large jobs. Some kitchens might only need a fresh coat of paint, new hardware, and other easy aesthetic updates, but there’s a lot more you can do to update your kitchen. For example, new kitchen cabinets, flooring, and backsplash are things that some might try to do on their own, but you’ll get much better quality results and save yourself a lot of stress by hiring a professional. 

Do a Deep Clean

Sometimes, home improvements don’t have to mean large renovation projects or even any updates at all. Your home can feel like new with a really good deep clean, which is perfect for warm days. There are many things in your home that can get extremely dirty without you enticing, like your walls and carpets. This can cause them to look old, and you might think you need renovations when all they need is to be cleaned. If it’s been a while since you’ve cleaned all the rooms in your house, even the areas that don’t get much use, add this to your summer to-do list. 

Install Energy-Efficient Updates

Many homeowners are looking for ways to make their houses more energy-efficient. Not only is this better for the environment, but it can also save you money in the long run. By investing in energy-efficient updates, you could start seeing lower electricity and heat bills, making these projects more than worth it. Things like investing in a smart thermostat or swapping out your old light bulbs for energy-efficient ones are easy to do, but there are even bigger changes you can make if this is something you care a lot about. For example, getting replacement windows if yours are old and drafty or having new insulation installed can help keep the inside of your home at a comfortable temperature all year.

Get a New Roof

Like your siding, your roof is an essential part of your home and something that needs to stay in good shape to protect your home. If your roof is starting to get a little too old, you might want to schedule roof repairs for this summer. If your roof isn’t that old, you may be able to get away with getting a few small areas replaced if you have any problems with your roof. Summer can be a great time for this, since the weather will be less of a concern, so long as it doesn’t get too hot. A new roof can be expensive, but roofing grants for homeowners are available that you can try out. 

Fix Up Your Yard 

Of course, most homeowners do some sort of outdoor work during the summer. You want to enjoy time outside on warm days, and you can’t fully enjoy it if you don’t like the way your yard looks. Give your lawn the care it needs, plant a flower garden, and invest in patio furniture so that you have the perfect place to relax all summer. If yard work isn’t your thing, you can always hire someone to help with landscaping. Restaining your deck or power washing your patio can also help make them look like new.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

While you’ll need different features of your home replaced eventually, maintenance can help you care for what you have now and make it last longer. Routine maintenance is especially important for the appliances in your home. The very beginning of summer is the perfect time to get maintenance for your AC system to ensure it will work on hot days when you need it. At the end of the summer, you should also get maintenance for your heating system before you have to worry about the weather getting cold. 

Repaint Your Walls

If you’ve gotten tired of the colors of your walls, a nice warm day is the best time to repaint them. Maybe you want to try out new colors, or you just need to refresh the old paint if it’s been a while. A warm summer day gives you the chance to keep the windows open all day, so you can air out a room that’s been freshly painted. Fortunately, this is something that won’t take up more than a few days at most and you can likely do it yourself.

Get Help Financing Your Summer Home Improvement Projects 

Depending on the projects you have planned for this summer, you might be wondering how you’ll manage to pay for them. Home improvement projects can be extremely expensive, and many homeowners need assistance to afford them, such as home improvement loans with a low interest rate. At Homeowner Funding, we can help you find funding that works for your project, like an NRIA fund.

If you have a home improvement project planned for this summer, contact Homeowner Funding to see how we can help.

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Joe D.

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