Home Renovations: DIY vs. Hiring Professionals

Does your home have outdated features or older rooms? It may be time for a home renovation to increase your property value and keep up with the current trends.

DIY or “do it yourself” projects can be cost-effective if you want to save money. However, some renovations are better off in the hands of a general contractor.

Below, we discuss common home renovation projects and help you determine whether DIY or hiring a pro is the right move.

Replacing Windows

Everyone has a different skill set for renovation projects. If you are installing one window, it could be a good task to do on your own. However, hiring a pro may be best if you have multiple side-by-side windows.

DIY Renovation

You can save money by replacing your old windows with energy-efficient windows. You will need glass, a frame, and tools for possible resizing. Analyze the steps you need to take to see if you can accomplish them on your own

•             Removing the old window

•             Adjusting the frame

•             Installing the new window

•             Wrapping it

•             Insulating it

•             Replacing trim and casing

Hiring A Pro

If you are worried you may mess up on a step, you should hire a general contractor. An improperly installed window could let in air infiltration and cause water damage to your home. Additionally, it may be a lot of work to gather the tools your project requires when a general contractor already has them on hand. 

Bathroom Remodeling

You may want to remodel your bathroom because of bad plumbing or an outdated design. In any case, it is one of the more involved renovation projects because it includes plumbing, electricity, and tiling. However, bathroom renovations that you complete on your own can save 40% to 60% on labor costs.

DIY Renovation

When you get bathroom renovation financing, there are many projects you can complete on your own. You can demolish the old bathroom by taking down cabinets and shelves or ripping out tiles. You can paint the walls yourself and buy clearance shelving or artwork for a spruced-up style. And if they aren’t damaged, old plumbing materials like a sink, toilet, or bathtub are reusable. These steps can help save money and prevent you from having to rework major sections of your bathroom.

Hiring A Pro

If you have a large-scale bathroom with complicated plumbing and electrical wiring, you should consider hiring a pro. Those who don’t have the proper training could cause their sink or toilet to stop working or cause issues with the lighting in the bathroom. A general contractor will be able to tell if old pipes require replacement and can prevent water damage.

Roof Replacement

Your roof should be protective, durable, and long-lasting. Natural events can cause wear and tear to your roof, eventually requiring you to look at replacement options. Or you may be looking for an aesthetically pleasing roof that fits your house’s style. Whatever the reason, a roof replacement needs your careful attention.

DIY Renovation

Home roof replacement is one of the more challenging and time-consuming home renovation projects. You will have to do lots of research, such as exploring what type of material works best for you, like asphalt, metal, rubber, or slate roofing. This complicated task may be a DYI renovation if it is an easy fix, like applying sealant or reattaching a shingle. Even still, you should ensure you know what you’re doing before grabbing a ladder and scaling your home. 

Hiring A Pro

Hiring a professional roofing contractor is the right move for a big task like a total roof replacement. They will be able to complete your roof promptly. There is a safety concern if you are not trained with the proper equipment and climb up your house. There is also a liability and insurance concern because your provider may not cover any damage that was your fault. It may be more expensive to buy extra tools yourself rather than hiring a pro who already has all the equipment they will need.

Call Homeowner Funding

Some homeowners are eager to grab their toolbox when something goes awry. While we commend the initiative, DIY isn’t always the best route. Because home renovation projects can be time-consuming, costly, and a hassle, you’ll be better off hiring a pro in many cases. 

Need help making a decision? Want to see what funding is available for your renovations? Contact Homeowner Funding today to learn more about our services!

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Joe D.

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